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Siripan, 31 y.o.
Ratchaburi, Thailand [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 116.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 5, 2013
Hi Anny
inactive user
Haha yeah!! it's been a while :)
Fighting for your studies~~ I'm cheering for you! Oh~ about taking care of your friends from Indonesia too~ what a great chance! ><
I was studying so hard recently too~ it's really tired but I'm happy >< because I have the best inspiration with me~~ xD
inactive user
Hehe okay :p
inactive user
LOLLLLLLLLL T^T How did you forget it~~
inactive user
Here too.. something bad it's social and friends =_= I hate it..
inactive user
I see~ hahaha Oh god.. I wish I could graduate tomorrow LOL
inactive user
I see~ hahaha Oh god.. I wish I could graduate tomorrow LOL
inactive user
Oh I see.. I won't ask your personal reason then >.< it's rude~ so... I think it's not hard right? I mean studies :p
inactive user
I'm studying in Bangkok University :)
inactive user
Yeah~ LOL if I had to go there, I just come to visit him as his older sister :p actually I know him from here xD
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