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Angela0992, 32 y.o.
Hengchun, Taiwan [Current City]

Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 535.
inactive user
You're welcome ^^
inactive user
Happy birthday !!!
inactive user
Okay good!
Ah i see, just take a rest then! FIGHTING hehe X)
I understand you of course kk

Ah have a great day then haha =P
Me just wanna be busy everyday =D
inactive user
So yes, school started today. And I'm already so frustrated XD
You see, in my academic year, everyone has an individual schedule. And "coincidentally" it's me who has got the most stupid schedule! My friends have to go to school on 2 afternoons, me it's 4! that's so unfair :'(
inactive user
Holla :)
Hmm i'm not feel good, but it's okay =')
And you?
inactive user
I'm good thanks and you?
Tomorrow my new school year will start so I'm enjoying the last day of my holidays.
What are you up to?
inactive user
Kiss ;)
inactive user
I have to go ;) Bye see ya ~~~
inactive user
Yes but we have talking on msn just now
inactive user
and u .?
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