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Aline Marcarini Athayde, 30 y.o.
Vitória, Brazil [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 124.
inactive user
tudo bem??^^
eu sou Mike , de China , estou aprendendo portugues, que linda lingua.
queria seu ser seu amigo, neh?^^
inactive user
heeey xD

hope u havent forgotten me :P

how r u?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 17, 2010
oi minha queriada! quanto tempo msm, eu nunca mais entrei aqui. infelizmente nao tenho muito tempo no momento to estudando e trabalhando demais. e vc como ta? ja tem todos os presentes por natal?

inactive user
sry for my late reply

ok :D:D

how have you been?)
inactive user
sry for my late reply

ok :D

how have you been?
inactive user
Aline what's wrong??
inactive user
I was in only at school today :pp
inactive user
nothing really, i had a short holiday and now its over :((((

i hatee school it makes us soo busy u knw :((

and what about u?
inactive user
Fine :)
So, what are you doing?
inactive user
sure :)
what do you want to know?)
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