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WahabiWasabi, 37 y.o.
Las Vegas, United States [Current City]


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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 39.
inactive user
Hm... Okay, if you say so. Thanks :) I tried it when I was in Canada and since then I've been desperately attemtping to cook something similar :D
inactive user
Not yet. If some American can teach me to cook them, I don't mind though :P
inactive user
usually i am doing 8 series minimum 8 pullups in each :)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 26, 2013
You killed me)))))))) It have been written so almost 2 years and nobody told me about it)))) I'm a little bit ashamed))
inactive user
Loooooooooooooooooooool no but for some countries, blood type have special caracteristics ;)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 4, 2013
Okay, I got it!:D But sorry, I am new here and I don't know what should I write about myself:/:D Just music.

Metallica, Rammstein.:)) wow
Reply - Conversation - Jun 4, 2013
I like all kinds of music! But particularly dubstep, metal and rock music! What about you?
inactive user
she doing good
inactive user
yes im
inactive user
Oh, Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. is a Nascar driver, and two fellows formed a band and named it Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. as well. :)
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