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Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 993.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 25, 2018
add me on Your hangout now [email protected]
Reply - Conversation - Jan 26, 2016
inactive user
Yes I did get it, and thankyou so much too. BIG HUGS.
inactive user
No that's alright, did you get my easter card yet?
inactive user
Happy Birthday Steve, hope you are doing well.
(Sorry for haven't been able to write you for personal reasons, but just wanted to say happy birthday)
inactive user
Hi Steve, Sorry that you have not been well, I hope and pray that you are all better now. I have been busy with tafe and family, and am now on 2 weeks holidays and go back on the 29th of April and I will finish my course late May. I have some working experience within this course and I think it will be about the second last week we have with the course. I am looking forward to putting what I have learnt in to practice.
I never forget about you and I am also hoping that you will be on line when I am, I think you have been once or twice. But I am hoping to see you there soon.
I look forward to us talking again soon.
I had a lovely Easter with my family and I hope you did too.
God bless you my friend,
Until next time we meet. xxx
inactive user
How are you my friend?
I miss taking to you, Miss U!
inactive user
hey how are you my friend.
inactive user
You know I always love hearing from you ,it makes my day.
inactive user
Yes I got your lovely note,
I like having you too has my friend and you are a really great friend to me too.
I hope to see you too on facebook as well.
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