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장수지, 32 y.o.
Daejeon, South Korea [Current City]

Looking for

Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance


Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 14 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 109.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 23, 2011
omg you did! ahhh im jealous! i wanna go see them too! how was it! did you write a fanaccount? i would love to read! :D
Reply - Conversation - Jan 10, 2011
hi suji! ahh your pictures are cute and i like your big specs!! im shya! nice to meet you! MBLAQ A+ FAN! AHH I LOVE THEM! did you go to their fanmeeting a few days ago?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 1, 2011
Hi =)))
Reply - Conversation - Dec 9, 2010
ya nice to meet you, too :DD
야 이런 인사따위 집어치우고
너 인터팔 왜 안들어오냐 요새 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Reply - Conversation - Dec 5, 2010
Heeyo~ :p
I have follow you on twitter kk
Haha~ It's been so cold these days that the snow is still here but it's not snowing since 4 days! *so sad* I want a lot of snow lol
Haaaw~ This days I'm so tired too~ I think I'll be sick T__T
Yesterday was horrible to me, I was so bad that I haven't made nothing, just sleep =_=
Owh! What kind of excercises do you do?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 4, 2010
Haha you're very lucky~ ^-^
I have to wait still 2 weeks before be in holidays >_< *even if it's not a longtime to wait it's gonna be very long lol*
Haha I'm happy to hear that you are satisfied by your exam result :D
Owwh no I didn't know what Insadong is, thank to tell me :)
Haaanw you're really sweet kk <3
I want to go to Seoul too T__T I want to know how is Seoul in real~
Yes I have twitter kk, in fact since 1 years now héhé
Waaw! You have your account? What is your username? :)
I love twitter~ I'm always on twitter lol
Haha next time that they will have a lot of snow I'll take a picture to show you how is Troyes under snow lol
& my city had make a lot of christmas decoration everywhere~ It's sooooo wonderful <3
Take care of you~ <3 :)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 3, 2010
Suji~~ !!!
I'm really so so sorry for not being there these days T______T
But I have a lot of work now~ My english exam begin next week & all my law exam are just after the christmas holidays so I have a lot of things to do before holidays +___+
I'm in holidays in 2 weeks~ I can't wait kkk but I will study all day for my exam x__x *so hard* lol
I had think of you last week, cause I had make a test with my friend to know "which member from MBLAQ can be your bestfriends" and my result was Mir hahahaha~ (unfortunatly it's just to know my bestfriend not boyfriend lol)
Enough talk about me.. talk about you now lol
How are you these days ? Hope you're ok :) Had you have the result from your exam?
Is it snowing in Korea ? We have snow in France since last week~ kkk so wonderful!! I love snow <3 But the weather is so so cold!!
I really miss you~ Hope to have news from you very soon <3
Reply - Conversation - Nov 21, 2010
Huh? You're feeling is not good ? Whyy? :o
I'm sure you have successful !!
Reply - Conversation - Nov 19, 2010
웅웅 화이팅 수지 !! 충대라도가 수지야 화이팅
내친구도 충대합격했던데 1차 .... 나만 이게 머냐
Reply - Conversation - Nov 19, 2010
아닝 안했어 ......... 나 친구랑 슬픔을 토하고토했어 대학 어디가냐고 유학얘기 까지 나옴 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
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