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Shiho, 58 y.o.
Saitama, Japan [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 8 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 4 of 4.
inactive user
Hi, I am Amy from Taipei. Nice to meet you here.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 30, 2018
Hi, nice to meet you.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 17, 2018
Konnichiwa! Nahide san.Thank you so much your quick reply. I'm very gald! I was seaching for your city and saw some pictures at goggle. Your city is very beautiful one. And a lot of people live in there! Thank you for your self-introduction. I will talk you about myself,too. I'm live in Saitama city very close Tokyo. I can go to Tokyo for 20minutes on the train. Tokyo Olimpic Games will be held,too. When I was college student, I moved here. I'm married,but have no children. My mother lives other pref and near 78 years old. Your sister's dance musut be nice! now I don't belly dance,but still now sometimes I listen music. the other subject I use a Whatsapp,too. And I tried to seach for your phone, but I couldn'd find yours. Your country No. is +90? if you don't mind, please seach my phone number? mine is (+81 90 2723 1098)
Yoroshiku onegaisimasu. Oyasuminasai İyi geceler!
inactive user
Konnichiwa Shiso San, I want to tell myself. my name is Nahide and live Eskişehir in Turkey since 1963. It's near the capital city. It's very very nice city. I worked in Turkish Telecom and retired in 2003 I'm divorsed my husband and have son,he is 17 years old. I live with my parents, both are 80 year sold. I agree with you.we love the japanese people. You Ilearned belly dance for 6 years very nice my sisters play very belly dans. Turkish and Japanese are from the same language group. I'm learning japanese from the internet ( asialogy) I 'll join to the JLPT N5 examinations.That's very kind of you I'd love too. maybe you can learn turkish with me too. Thanks. I want to be friend with you. This is my telefon number 0 532 4349141 you can add your fone Whatsapp. kochirakoso, sayounara ( hoşçakal )
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