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Boldaslove, 27 y.o.
Leeds, United Kingdom [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 36.
inactive user
hey dude thanks for viewing my profile
inactive user
Uhhh sure I guess...
inactive user
Oh I don't really play piano. :P
inactive user
Don't know that song but cool anyways. :3
inactive user
What's your favorite song to play on the piano?
inactive user
Nice music taste! Greetings form México. /o/
inactive user
Heyy :)
Thank you for your visit :)
inactive user
i want all answer of this questions ok, please you try to give me the answer of this all questions ok.
How are you today?
And How is your friends and relatives and family members?
If you could have any question answered, what would it be?
What makes you nervous?
Are you afraid to fly in airplanes?
What activity do you never get bored with?
If you could enlarge any part of your body, what would it be?
What is the purpose of life?
Who is the cruelest person in history?
Who is the most powerful woman in the world?
How can we save the world from global warming?
Is it possible to justify a murder?
If someone made a status of you, what position would you choose?
What would you bring to a picnic?
What address will you remember forever?
How do you think the world will look in 100 years?
What matters to you most - money, good looks or attitude?
What do you dream about?
If you have a chance to change something in past so what would it be?
What will be the most powerful nation in 100 years?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 23, 2013
HAPPY BITTHDAY!!! I'm good thanks but... HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Reply - Conversation - Feb 23, 2013
I'm alright. Happy Bday to me. '-'
But, how are you?
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