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Holly Dhakal, 29 y.o.
Plymouth, United Kingdom [Current City]

Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 51.
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Aug 17, 2011
You're welcome Holly ! *Jolly XD*
Oh Yes! *_* Green Day ♥
inactive user
heey :)
Reply - Conversation - May 22, 2011
Yes, I do =) I'm sorry it took me this long to respond!!! A lot of things were going on. =| I feel so bad! Lol Yes, I shall send you a link! =D
Reply - Conversation - May 11, 2011
Ok! i like that .
Reply - Conversation - May 9, 2011
Shaw! <3 I am of Scottish, Welsh, German, Dutch, Polish Jew, and Native American heritage. And, wow! Haha! No, not London. It's a forest area. I forget which one O_O (Or maybe it is London HAHA) It's by Erin Hunter. No, not fail XD Just hard to spot lol Cool, I like Bangladesh. I did a whole report on it in 3rd grade! We had to pick a country we didn't know and write report. I have some difficulties so I picked it because I could easily pronounce it's name and it reminded me of bangles lol Yes! I would LOVE to go there one day!
Reply - Conversation - May 9, 2011
XD Oops! My bad!, as us Americans would say =D lol My name is Angela! \(^_^)/ I go by Ange a lot. Doesn't matter. Yes, it is the name of a pokemon. My brother named it after his girlfriend. (Because her singing outs you to sleep D=) Hahaha!! Oh gosh that's terrible! I'm only kidding. That's her favorite pokemon, so that's we he named her that. Though it's quickly becoming my mom's cat. Aww, 3 year old niece <3 What's her name? Wings on the back would look pretty. Poor Smudge, that's also the name of a character in Warriors. Have you ever read that series? It's about cats, and it's set in the UK!
Reply - Conversation - May 9, 2011
I had two brothers, but I only have one now. Joshua, he's 18. I have three cats. Jiggly Puff (My brother's cat) Wolfie, and Cricket (My baby girl <3) She's the middle picture!! What about you? What pets do you have? I"m obsessed with cats (,,,)>^_^<(,,,) What tattoo would you want?
Reply - Conversation - May 9, 2011
Great. Holly, so you are an Agnostic. I'm Catholic btw, but I see myself interested in 'Freethinking'. Atheism, agnotism and the like are interesting.
Reply - Conversation - May 8, 2011
Yep ^_^ It is nice to share. Uhh, I want to be a photographer/writer. But seeing my dad' dream of becoming a musician and artist crash and burn, I'm afraid and would like to have a more stable job. So debating between working in a Nursing Home (Or at home assistance) or being a special needs teacher. I like your choices, tattoo artist? That rocks!!!! Okay, see yeah later ;D
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