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Amelia, 31 y.o.
Perth, Australia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 242.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 8, 2011
when does the summer begin in ur country?? :)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 22, 2011
hi there , im looking for friend from other country :)
nice to meet u
inactive user
You love Paris, I love Perth we can change if you want :)
inactive user
hey mia =P
what are u up to now?
inactive user
yeh i think the eagles will win the mahogany spoon this year =P
are u online now? =P
inactive user
haha aw :P who ended up winning? freo?
i added u!
mine is
[email protected]
talk soon hopefully!
inactive user
haha yeh ive just been watching tv tonight :P yeh my weekend has been good-went to see the blues thrash richmond this afternoon which was great! how about u?
are u on msn? =D
inactive user
im great thanks =D what have u been doing tonight?
inactive user
hey there =D
how r u going?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 8, 2010
haha. Perth isn't that bad is it? Or maybe it is lol. It can get quiet boring here haha. i bet we have crossed paths because you do that with everyone in Perth :P. Good to hear that your a fellow eagles supporter and not one of those feral freo supporters lol :P. They are sucking at the moment and now will get the wooden spoon. But if look at Melbourne they have turned good after a couple bad years. Yea, you guessed the building correctly. I did go to UWA and are now graduated. How do you know its UWA?
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