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Heeyoung, 27 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City]


Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 28.
inactive user
Hahaha yeah I'm kinda in a similar situation, I will send you a private message, :D
inactive user
Haha yeah sometimes I forget that to, I didn't knew the exact number of hour, at least now I know
inactive user
I went to a friend's house, it's funny because when you told me happy saturday, it was actually friday hahaha time zones are pretty confusing
inactive user
Oh I see, you were participating in different categories, and yeah that's pretty fortunate, not having to compete against each other.
inactive user
You're welcome, yeah I entered to a writing contest, and you had to write a story of at least 600 words in less than two hours. Unfortunately I didn't get a prize, but it was awesome participating in the contest.
Oh really? That's so cool, so you have to share the same prize?
inactive user
Yeah if you have the time read it :)
That's awesome! Congratulations! I hope you get to the first places of the contest.
A few months ago I entered in a writing contest and from 400 entries I was in the first 100, it was very difficult because the other participants were very good.
inactive user
I heard about when I was in highschool, we studied about different philosophical theories, Spinoza included, his and descartes were very difficult to understand, but they have very interesting points as you said. I only read parts of that book for that class and I like it. We also read, complete, "A man's search for meaning" by Viktor Frankl I recommend it very much if you are interested in psychology, specially logo therapy.
inactive user
Oh I see, that is awesome because as you said it there are a lot of different things you can do with writing skills more if you have a major in literature. My passion basically is to understand more and more about my surroundings, so I read about different topics to learn more about philosophy and psychology.
inactive user
I find it very interesting that you like writing. I also like to write (in my case I have written short stories) and in Spanish. I think it's a good way of expressing yourself, your ideals and opinions, and if someone can relate with the way you think it's worth it.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 24, 2014
I think neck length looks good on you. Just above the shoulders.
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