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Karolina, 31 y.o.
Sopot, Poland [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person
Postal pen pals


Graduate degree
fine arts

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 136.
inactive user
today ,im bored lol but tomorrow, ill go to the university for the first time, so DOki-Doki desu lol
im gonna major in Spanish !
are you a high school student now ?:D
inactive user
hello~:D thank you for writing a message ;D
lets be good friends ;D
inactive user
dużo ludzi szuka, ale bardzo ciężko jest znaleźć w tym tłumie tę pokrewną dusze... kiedy myślisz, że już znalazłaś, wtedy po jakimś czasie okazuje się, że to wszystko było jedynie fikcją
inactive user
aha that's quite alright (':
it really is awesome! pretty jealous now XD
Reply - Conversation - May 15, 2011
my polish classmate here is also called karolina xD!! siema!!!! you have such a lovely dog:)
inactive user
hey yo :D how R U?
i am doon' good too!
yes sure ! i ate an apple pie, but not often!

yep long long time no chat ^^
haha yes so long! i am so happy too.
sure if u dont mind i can do this! Pls let me know ur home addreess
pls send me a message with your home address.

and I am doing attend school :D
I miss you too! it's spring already in korea!
pretty warm now haha. xxoo


p.s oh i am so sorry. i hope you gonna be okay SASP
Reply - Conversation - Mar 6, 2011
My pleasure : )
inactive user
Sorry for the late reply!!!!!
How R U? I am doin' good XD
haha Thanks.
there was JUNJU in S korea.
it was grate!!! I was with mom and dad
The Gig bear was in front of Clothes store :)

Haha yes i have,So i gave him my handmade chocolate!
how about U?

luv ya too! l hope you are in happy always! :D


inactive user
yep, we had really grate time one anothers.
I made some food for sharing with families.
we have big family. :) how about u?
I trevaled with mom in some cities. i will post some pics soon lol
it was really awosome!^^

oh i know...i can see you.
Good luck on your studies. I am waiting for spriing too.
I like spring :))
have a good day ^^
inactive user
Hey lol
I am on vacation haha how are you?
It is national holiday called Sul. This is one of the big holiday in s korea. So I am grandma's home with familes
How are things there?
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