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June Gemini, 27 y.o.
Suzhou, China [Current City]

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Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 39.
inactive user
不写信?那么email ?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 7, 2014
Hi ~ it's nice to meet you
My name is Samantha and I'm from the US
I also like music and I like coffee too Starbucks is so good haha
I agree with you I really like Linkin Park
I hope we can be friends ?
inactive user
I see , perhaps penpal email?._.
inactive user
hahaha so what should I call you? June or June Gemini
inactive user
Kyaaa its so cute, what is his/her name? :)
inactive user
cute pet you have there :)
inactive user
But not too much la hahaha what's your name?
inactive user
Nice to meet you too^^
What should İ call you?? :)
inactive user
你好:D 我是泰国人!nice to meet you.
inactive user
Hi^^ Im Zieah fron Brunei,can we be friends ?
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