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HXF, 30 y.o.
Chengdu, China [Current City]

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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 165.
inactive user
Oops! I don't have kakao accounts:(
But I have a Line accounts if you have Line you can add me:D!
inactive user
i just wake up right now lol
inactive user
yep:( still working it..what are you doun now?
inactive user
yeah...I'm tried right now...haha
I think I should take some nap later:)
inactive user
I love to be your friend:)
But I don't have a kakao account....
inactive user
I try to be good at art:)!!
And I love to learn other lauguages too!!
inactive user
yeah I agree....I'll trying to enjoy my last year of the high school:3
do you have any plan for the college, working or any others:D?
inactive user
lucky,,.I ganna finish my high school next year...:(..
I'm kind of feel sick of high school..haha lol how was your day?
inactive user
yeah I am:) How about you?
inactive user
Hi:) thx to visiting my wall!! Nice to meet you too:3
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