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Chutikarn, 33 y.o.
Ban Talat Bueng, Thailand [Current City]


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Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 24.
inactive user
Oh no, just lots of exams xD
If you want to learn Chinese, I can teach you the basics :D
Reply - Conversation - Apr 1, 2013
your welcome.
im good thanks.
what are your hobbies?:}
inactive user
Your an awesome friend as well :D
And i'm actually Chinese but it's not the best. I can read and understand it but i can't speak it very well because of my Australian accent...also can't write very well because there's so much to remember xD
You can teach me Chinese if you want or we can both teach other chinese xD I think thai is pretty interesting though, the writing is so beautiful!
inactive user
Are you using google translater? I can get it but it's not correct sentence.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 31, 2013
ไม่ได้ไปอ่ะ ไม่มีเเนวร่วม
inactive user
Can't we just chat?
inactive user
inactive user
Really? It's good to meet you! haha. It's a big pleasure to meet someone who's interested in korean language. So, what's up?
inactive user
How would you like me to teach you English? Your English is pretty good already xD
inactive user
Haha, you're very welcome ^_^
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