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Christina, 37 y.o.
Dresden, Germany [Current City & Hometown]

Looking for

Postal pen pals


Bachelor's degree
RGU Aberdeen


Student MSc Analytical Sciences @RGU

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 49.
inactive user
What places have you visited in Europe? Why you joined this site?
inactive user
Hey. What you studied in college? Have you visited usa?
inactive user
Where did you take your photos?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 12, 2016
i tried to leave a message on your board, but it froze my computer haha
i agree with your picture... that is very true, people dont even think mental illness exists... like it is something people can "get over"
inactive user
Sure. How many rapes were done by rapefugees today?
inactive user
You don't lcare about real refugees from South Africa or Ukraine. Because theya re white and because Lugenpresse doesn't talk about them. Also I'm sure you don't even know who are real refugees from Syria as Alavits, ***iryans, Yazidi, Christian syrians, syrian kurds e.t.c They have no money to pay for smugglers, theya re not welcome in muslim Turkey, they are in danger by arabs everywhere including those "****fugees". So you just follow stupid Media and trands about those 80% of arab young agressive males who came to CERTAIN countries for WELFARE. They see you as pigs. And they don't think they are refugees. It's you who call them like that.
inactive user
You aks me if i know lefties? Here in Eastern Europe we don't have such s***, as we don't have ****s, ghettos, "no-go" areas, robberies, Police and M*** Media that covers crimes of certain nationalities(and religion). And we don't have millions of ILLEGAL ECONOMIC MIGRANTS. But I was born in Soviet Union and believe me.. I know what communism is(progressive socialism as we called it here). Oh and one more - gays, islam, immigration were FORBIDDEN in USSR. Go talk to russians in Germany about it and you will have a good punch in your face. Lefties = cultural marxists, anti-white racists, ethnomasochistic s*** and nothing more. People who are based on feelings and emotions closing eyes on logical truth. it's about you, right?)) I think you are just stupid, and such people liek you usually run 1st from places they destroyed. Like parasites.
inactive user
oh oh oh what else can just racist leftie do lol Repooort))) Oh I'm so scary, typical leftie hiding for useless german police when things become worse... Soon no Police will be able to save you, leftie.. I guess you bought that Masters or something. because I don't see any brain here...
Reply - Conversation - Apr 5, 2016
Btw Wayder3, my education? Master's degree at a renowned university. :-D
Reply - Conversation - Apr 5, 2016
Just reported you, Wayder3. Now please shut up and leave everyone else in peace.
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