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Besos23, 37 y.o.
London, United Kingdom [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 13 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 98.
inactive user
glad you're enjoying your life in UK ^^ do you want to do something else than childminder ? what did you study in your country ? awww 3 years ? same for me, i haven't seen them for 3 years, they live in Madagascar, so it's a bit hard to see each other...
ohh in France at Christmas time is beautiful, especially in the city called Strasbourg, with its Christmas market ...
inactive user
ahhh mhh well no matter if it's boys or girls, as long as they are interesting and have some personnality and have some humour ^^
yep i travel when i can, when i have saved enough money, ahahahah !!
what about you ?
inactive user
i used to be au-pair when i first came in england, so i know some things about it ^^
yeah i enjoy the life, although i'm being a bit bored lately...what about you ? how long you're staying in england for ?

what do you mean what kind of people i like ? in what way ?
inactive user
childminder ? mhh interesting. sometimes people called like that are au-pair over here...mine is carer ( a bit like a nurse if you prefer), nice job, but hard sometimes, especially when surrounded by lazy workers...
inactive user
i told you how was my day already ^^ and now i've got a report to finish and relax watching a film ... what is your job ?
inactive user
hello, mysterious person, my day was exhausting but still alive as you can see. what about yours? where are you from then ? Besos is spanish but Vanda sounds like eastern europe ... ^^
Reply - Conversation - Aug 30, 2011
Oh, i see.
Could we talk in english, if you dont mind? :)
Since when do you live in England?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 30, 2011
Szia! :)
Nice to meet you. I'm Norbi.
Your hungarian is great. Have you learned it?
I'm fine anyway. I'm enjoying the last days of the Summer.
Wow, you've got a very exciting hobby (boxing). Howcome you've changed that?
inactive user
ok, thanks for chatting, byeeeeee :P
inactive user
ok. . . . i know nothing of the carnival :o haha, i`ve never been awww *chuckles*
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