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Melissa, 30 y.o.
New York City, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 69.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 27, 2011
Alright, I'll have to make sure I try to watch it sometime.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 19, 2011
What is Degrassi?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 18, 2011
Hi, Melissa!

What sort of literature do you enjoy?

I've played the guitar since I was 10, and you?

Not much, I'm just answering messages on here (on a break from watching Little Britain, heh), and you?

Take care!
Reply - Conversation - Feb 3, 2011
Reply - Conversation - Dec 7, 2010
Crap I sent it prematurely.. What was I saying?... Well actually that was pretty much it. Haha

Reply - Conversation - Dec 6, 2010
Hmmm bam.
That sounds like an interesting story.

I'm not up to much. Living in boredom.
inactive user
Why bam?
Because you love Jackass?
inactive user
how about Jim Carrey?? I used to think he was just hilarious but now I am not sure about it
inactive user
yes!! of course :P
have u heard of tina fey?? I am kind of her fan too
inactive user
awesomeee!! I wanna be the new Coen bros (both of them). and woody allen combination XD
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